Sunday, March 13, 2016

Phoenix Helix

The Phoenix Helix blog and podcast features an interview with Dr. Terry Wahls more recent than her inspiring TedxTalk, along with many discussions of auto immune disease and the Paleo diet to treat them.  I urge all MSers to seek it out.  

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Death by Screens

I have spent most of my life in front of the television or a computer screen.  By the time that I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I was spending a whole lot of time behind a computer screen, on the Internet.  The first search result for "multiple sclerosis" was a page about the low-fat MS diet known as "The Swank Diet.  This was the Internet in the year 2000.  WebMD existed, and that helped me to match up my symptoms with a disease before I ever went to the doctor.   So I thought I was pretty smart.  I realized today that the neurologist that would suggest exercise to a patient receiving this diagnosis is far and few between.  Working with a physical therapist is required.  Don't be hypnotized by the television or your computer or mobile device.  This is true for everyone.