Saturday, March 12, 2016

Death by Screens

I have spent most of my life in front of the television or a computer screen.  By the time that I was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis, I was spending a whole lot of time behind a computer screen, on the Internet.  The first search result for "multiple sclerosis" was a page about the low-fat MS diet known as "The Swank Diet.  This was the Internet in the year 2000.  WebMD existed, and that helped me to match up my symptoms with a disease before I ever went to the doctor.   So I thought I was pretty smart.  I realized today that the neurologist that would suggest exercise to a patient receiving this diagnosis is far and few between.  Working with a physical therapist is required.  Don't be hypnotized by the television or your computer or mobile device.  This is true for everyone.

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