Monday, October 5, 2015

And Now...a television advertisement

There are so many advertisements on television these days in America from the drug companies during daytime TV. And today, I see for the first time… An ad for a multiple sclerosis treatment?  Well, there is a first time for everything, as they say. The ad proclaimed that Tecfidera is the number one prescribed medication for relapsing multiple sclerosis. And then, here come the possible side effects: one is PML. I am surprised at this and didn't know about this Side effect… also surprised that a drug with this possible side effect is reportedly the number one drug. I am grateful that this isn't a possible side effect of Aubagio... But also wonder: is Aubagio effective?  My last MRI shows stabilization snce starting Aubagio.  Also, I have slipped into secondary progressive MS.   I learned on the forum that MRI only reads one part of the brain...the gray matter?  While disability occurs in the other matter (for this example, that would be the white matter)

I am also wondering if I should start a chemotherapy treatment, if I am to receive a stem cell treatment.

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