Monday, November 2, 2015

Biotin for multiple sclerosis?

Like so many other things, from
I learned about high dose Biotin (vitamin B7)
being used in clinical trials for secondary progressive
MS, and the idea of acquiring it for myself from
a compounding pharmacy  (the pharmaceutical
brand name is Cerenday, available in the UK).

So, I got myself a prescription for 100mg, 3x/day of biotin.

We contacted a compounding pharmacy in the
the biggest city in the state for the best price on this, $100.00.

Tapering up to the full dose, I am up to twice a day
and maybe by the end of the week I will go full force!

The high dose B vitamins that Dr. Wahls suggests as
instrumental in forming myelin her TED talk lecture:
B1, B6, B9 and B12, (already taking sublingual 5000 IU
every day) , are next on my hit list.

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